Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Alicia Keys - Put It In A Love Song feat. Beyonce

Far East Movement - Like A G6 ft. The Cataracs, DEV

love the remix but heart 'take you to mars'!!!!

december kahh???

i marah niyh!!!!
sedap2 buat blog td terdelete pulak...
takpe2...kite bwat yg baru yeah....
cuti semester, x bwat ape yg productive
just routine
bgn pg *xpagi sgt dlm 10.30*
siram pokok dah nak pukul 11
*mampos la aku mama balek tgk pokok layu*
routine yg same just add up some of my new favo
baking, dvd back to back
i managed to bake peach cobbler n chocolate pudding from nigella's
but the peach cobbler was from betty crocker tho
it was awesome when you bake something you know....
its just that i dont wanna cook cuz im fasting
sebenarnye aku ade satu responsibilty
that is menyiapkan satu proposal about going to homestay
its for my retail society activity
but i reluctant to do it becouse i dont have much idea to do it
n i dont have mood...tadaaahhhh!!!!
*ko nek sem nnti ko tgu la ape akan jadi*
disebabkan selalu bgn lambat n all that
all my cats slalu mogok lapa sbb aku berseyhkan mereka pon dah lambat n bg makan pon dah lambat
ape punye manusia tah aku niyh????
im fasting, n they shud too
ngehehehehe mereng punye budak.....
weh aku rase mcm x productve langsung laaaa
asik2 bukak tv ngadap siap bersembah
tgk youtube
tgk korean drama kat mysoju
gile tade life
tp kan dlm pade x productive tu
im looking forward to this 17th dec cuz im going to medan!!!
even tho its just like a 2 hours travel
hence, im travel with flite yaww!!!!
i have this flite adrenaline rush
sbb aku suke mase die take off n touch down!!!!
it was awesomeness!!!!!
oh pegi medan sbb aboy kawen...tu jek
btw aku nk pakai kasut ape mase resepsi die kat sane eh???
da la kami pakai baju kurung...hoh
mak aku gigih menjait baju kurung utk kami.....
oh ade lg....
december niyh, adiknye result kua
n alhamdulillah it was pretty good...
boleh masakkan die something lah...
a chocolate chip cake maybe or cupcakes??
aku dah gile baking skng niyh
cant help!!!
all these are summarized for my early sweet december
till then!!!!
always end up tergantung.

SS501 - Love Ya MV HD 720P

Friday, September 3, 2010


iktikaf?? ape itu iktikaf? aku rase mcm jahil je tatawu ape maksud iktikaf tu.....aku rase mcm terkilan je sbb when i perform my umrah in mekah, there's a few member of my group doing their iktikaf at masjidil haram the last nite before we're going back to malaysia.
ikitikaf tu yang aku tawu is you perform your solat sunat, recite al-quran, sleep for a while and do your qiamulail. betape ruginye aku mase kat sane.....tu yang rase teruja nak pegi lagi sane and bwat ibadah yang terbaek....lepak at masjid nabawi recite yassin plus read whole quran, visit mashurah (maqam) nabi muhammad.....arhhh bnyk sgt bende la nak buat.....time ramadhan mcm ni aku asik teringt je all the sweet moment at madinah n i felt so relieve over there. i dont need to think what ever happen in mesia.....just maximizing my ibadah n gain pahala.... Ya i missed you bumi anbia.....missed you prophet Muhammad and all the history that left behind by our pejuang2 penegak agama islam......
i found this term of iktikaf, iktikaf ialah mendampingi masjid dan ia bertujuan untuk membersihkan hati dan jiwa seseorang yang bergelar hamba Allah dengan hati yang ikhlas. ia dilakukan di masjid2......dengan niat beriktikaf ketika diantara waktu maghrib ke isyak sudah memberi pahala sebanyak 70 kali ganda...masyaAllah.....betapa Allah maha pemurah dlm memberi pahala kepada hamba2Nya......
rase diri mcm bnyk sgt buat dosa....astaghfirullah.....kembalilah bertaubat wahai manusia.....bumi ini hanya sementara.....moga2 di bulan ramadhan yang masih bersisa kurang dari 2 minggu ini, aku dapat menunaikan ibadah di waktu malam, mencari lailatulqadr.....InsyaAllah...wallahualam....


Friday, August 27, 2010


erk lamenye x update.....
nk bwat cemane, dah mls kannn....
nk cite niyh
skng tgh cuti, lame la jugak dlm 3 hari champo wikend, ala cuti nuzul quran hari jemaat....
selasa nex wik cuti merdeka
tp senin ade test..haihhh
journal review x siap2 lg, presentation eco pon x bwat lg...
sume bende nak anta on monday n done by monday
hangguk betol laa
tp kan...cuti2 cenggini la syok supink
ingt nk ajak kakcik gi alamanda
nak gi supink kat elianto hahahaha
i make up u reraye niyh
maklumla org dah x lawa kene la lawakan diri
kasi tonjol sket
ingt nak bli blusher simplysiti, loose powder nutrimetics *mak haku peminat setia nm tuh*
nk bli perfume kat marks&spencer
*wangi weyh, bg aku laaa*
pergh raya bagai aku niyh......
impian terendam je sume niyh....tataw nk pegi bile.....
hohohohoho k la tu saje....


Thursday, August 12, 2010

its RAMADHAN y'olls!!!!

assalamualaikum encik ramadhan.....
sy nak wish selamat berpuasa kepada kawan2 saya......
itu saje....
semoga ramadhan kali ini memberi saya seribu keberkatan
rasa keinsafan yang penuh kekhilafan....
anggaplah ramadhan ini ramadhan terakhir kita......

Saturday, August 7, 2010

concern betol

nak dijadikan cite....
aku ade sorg kawan lelaki yg study kat ober d sea je
he's studying in medic
we are frens since when we're in form 2...
so kire lame gak la kan....
cite nye gini
las wik die balek mesia kirenye utk before pose la kan
get together with his family yada2
he actually insist to meet up
tp aku bz dgn class n so on...
pastu td aku ym dgn die, die tanye kat mane?
then aku jwp bangi
pergh trus die *marah*
'asal x bgtawu kat bangi?? kalau x bole jumpe...'
alahai concern nye ini incik...
nak sgt jumpe aku apekehainye??
pelik gak to tell u d truth aku x pk papepon maksud di sebalik yg die nk jumpe sgt ni
sbb kami kwn
pastu aku ckp la aku nk jumpe kat klia esok sbb esok die balek
flight kul 1.15pm
bole je aku suh sesape anta kat erl putrajaya
then tggu tren
dlm 15 min da sampai klia...
senang saje kannn???
tp die pulak ckp jgn la dtg sorg segan aku
cesss.....nk segan kemendenye
bukan aku nk g minang ko
mebi die malu kowt...biole deme....
kadang2 aku terpikir...budak ni tah2 ade ati kat aku x???
wahhh gitu!!!!
ko hengat ko tu diva deknon???
tolong sikit......
hahaha k dah lah
esok wa nak balek shah alam ngan jiran wa....wa kene jd co pilot sbb tataw jln pulak akak sorg tuh
tadehalnye yg penting jgn bg aku drive sudeyh
mawu mnanges golek2 aku kat hiway nnti.....
ok chowz


p/s: berangan itu free, tp kalau melebih2 dtg mudarat pulak....renung2kan

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

eh damn laaa!!!!!!

eh dem laaaaa
perlu ke aku ingat kat budak tu????
hampeh la kowt....
sampai 10 taun belom tentu ko dpt kwn 'rapat' ngan budak tu...
bole plak td mase kat klas mgt, ade sorg mamat pakai baju kaler ijaw
pastu mengade nak duk selang seblah aku plak tu
*hesh...akak sensitip tgk mat pakai baju ijaw niyh*

time2 tgh lecture
aku bole pulak terpandang2, terbayang2 yg mat tuh duk seblah aku
gile kes parah!!!!
naseb bek ari las ko duk seblah aku kannn....
pastu bole plak kak sab kol aku tanye psl num kak ida
then aku tepon balek saje gatal nk tanye psl mat tu
whether die rajen dtg kumon ke x
salah satu cara utk aku tawu perkembangan die
tp td mase lecture mmg totally rase
DAMN gile kowt!!!!
kak sab told me that i deserve another good man
lawak lah akak niyh.....
cube kabo kat aku sket mane nk cari good guy skng niyh???
wassalam la jwpnye....

kadang2 aku rase bodoh gak
sbb asik pikir pasal mat tu...
padahal tawu kowt yg die pon blom tentu terlintas nk tawu psl aku
hmmm tp tape....
aku ni suke berangan


Saturday, July 31, 2010


ptg td sy kol mak sy....
n i just found out that neber yg aku suke tu nak tunang
gatalkan suke anak neber....
alo kawan, jgn prasan eh....
die tu da la study kat france, pandai plak tu
awak tu ape ade????
muhasabah sket diri tu....
ade paham???
tapi sy x sentap pown dgn brite dr mak sy tuh....
i just knew it kann.....
but org bangi gak kowt!!!!!
dah jodoh kannnn.....
tp kalo sy dpt peluang masuk fmly tu pon may be sy akan rase sgt segan
so better off than late....
hahahaha tah pape jek ayat.....
*padahal dlm hati bajet leh tackle la kan ank acik tuh*


Thursday, July 29, 2010


kenape dgn awk??
entah la, sy pon tatawu.....
sbnrnye sy tatawu nk post ape kat blog yg lame bagai x dihupdate.....

haaaa say ade satu topic....
knape skrg org sekeliling sy suke beno nak bercinte???
sy ni haaa terkedek2 ingin nk berchenta
tp mahap saje lahh.....
aku nk kat org tp org tanak aku kannn
baek lupakan saja niat mu ituh!!!!
skng ni pon dah nk masuk 1st year,
ko blaja jela dek non...
jgn gatal nk pk bcinte je...
hengat chenta ni bagus kah???
baek ko pegi bercuti dr berchenta
btol x???
anyway, sape2 rase nk g bcuti ajak lah saye.....

ok itu saje entry kali ni


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

sane enuff??

am i sane enuff???
he suddenly asked me to stay single
what the heck?
kaw nk masok minang aku kah??
waaaa bahagia nye aku.....
is it wrong if im being straight forward to a randomly guy
that i like him?
aku ni pon suke straight je dgn org...
no cover2....
mahap deh sape yg terase...
dah tu pulak ko ngadu kat aku sbb aku x wish bday ko...
too manja-ish la you...
i know when the date
tp saej tanak wish
boley x?
sbb aku da rase cukup la
aku tanak ade crush dgn ko lagi...
plz make him go away....
i need a life...
my own life...
plus my love life
i never been into love regardless the previous fling
i just hope that maybe in one fine day that this man
im talking about will soon get married
n shuusshhh.....